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Essential Oil?

Peace & Calming

Yes... I did.

I carry essential oils with me everywhere. So that's a question I get a lot... Other moms see me rubbing Peace & Calming on the feet of my toddler... or breathing in some Joy oil with a big grin... Ahhh... delicious!!

Many people don't know anything about these wonderful, pure plant oils so I can understand that it seems a bit strange that I use them.

But I don't know what I would do without them. Seriously... I find myself continually thinking -

"Thank goodness for these oils!"

And it's such a shame that it's not common knowledge, since there are so many wonderful uses.

I just LOVE essential oils!

And I want to share them with everyone.

Purpose of this Essential Oil Website

The purpose of this website is to empower you with knowledge so that you can:

  • Know enough, without taking a class, to be able to:
    *Choose which oils to use & how to properly use them.
    *Know how to use the available tools, such as a diffuser.
    *Try some techniques, such as Aromatherapy or VitaFlex.
  • Support your health and the health of those around you:
    *Maintain your energy so you can chase those spunky darlings.
    *Natural ways to help support and balance you through life.
    *Promote the care of your pet in a holistic way.
  • Use essential oil benefits in everyday life:
    *Use them in your home (clean without chemicals.)
    *Personally care for & beautify yourself naturally!
  • Try out some new - and fun - recipes to make at home:
    *Cook & bake with (some of) them... Yes, you can!
    *Make your own soap, bath salts, & candles too.

Ooooo yeah... lotions, creams, and lavendar dreams. ;)

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